Today’s youth are facing a variety of challenges, ranging from violence to questions of political legitimacy. They are increasingly dependent on their parents and have a dearth of economic opportunities. In these challenging times, the international community is taking notice of the problems that young people face. The following are some of the major factors that are contributing to this situation.
AIDS and other diseases affecting the youth are among the most pressing problems. In developing countries, AIDS and HIV/AIDS are taking a toll on the youth. There is also a global trafficking industry targeting women. In some countries, as many as two million women are trafficked each year. Traffickers exploit young girls by promising false employment. They are exploited for their labour or sold to impoverished families. These girls often become sex slaves or bonded labour, and are at risk of contracting diseases such as HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.
Mental illness among youth is increasing, and the incidence of suicide is higher than it was just 20 years ago. This increased vulnerability is further compounded by the disconnection that young people face. Disconnection from friends and family members, as well as from work and school, can contribute to the mental health challenges that young people experience.
The number of youth who have attempted suicide has increased in the last decade. The suicide rate among youth has increased 57% between 2007 and 2018. And early estimates suggest that more than 6,600 people will die from suicide by 2020. These statistics highlight the increasing problems that young people in the developing world are facing. The report also points out the need to improve social conditions and provide a better environment for youth.
While East and southeast Asia have been successful at fighting poverty and growing economies, the sub-Saharan Africa region remains a region of particular concern. The region is plagued with natural disasters, the AIDS pandemic, and devastating conflicts. Furthermore, the rapid population growth rates of the region have many demographic experts concerned about its future. Compared to other regions, this continent is populated by a large number of young people.
Research and development of solutions is critical. While psychological science has made significant advances in tackling youth mental health, we need to accelerate our research into effective solutions. More funding is needed for programs that improve the mental health of children and youth. The National Institute of Mental Health, the National Institute on Minority Health, and the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development must be given a boost. By investing in research, we can help more youth avoid becoming statistics.
Children are facing a mental health crisis. Many of them are being sent to emergency rooms for treatment. These facilities act as holding rooms while children are waiting for beds at psychiatric hospitals. Unfortunately, a child’s stay in an ER is significantly shorter than their stay in a psychiatric ward, and most insurance plans cut benefits after a short stay.
In Connecticut, youth in crisis law allows parents to seek the intervention of Juvenile Court. These programs are administered by the Department of Children and Families and the Judicial Department. The goal of these programs is to improve the quality of life for youth who are experiencing difficulties in finding a stable home. They also help parents identify problems and solutions that can help their children.