Disenchanted youth are a global phenomenon. Millions of young people suffer from economic instability, live on the edges of society, and eke out an existence through the black market. While many youth are in a desperate state, others are at increased risk of contracting HIV/AIDS and other diseases. What are the most effective ways to help youth? How can you make the youth more productive and less vulnerable? Here are a few examples.
Peer advocates: These trained individuals are available 24/7 to help youth experiencing depression, anxiety, or relationship problems. You can visit the website or text 22522 to reach the Peer advocates. Peer advocates also provide crisis intervention and suicide prevention services. Teens who are feeling overwhelmed or suicidal can seek help from a peer advocate through the website or texting service. There is a 24-hour crisis hotline at youthcrisis.
Youth in crisis: The international community is becoming more aware of the challenges that young people face in societies around the world. They are exposed to risky behavior, especially in societies that don’t value their contributions to society. A lack of compassion is contributing to the crisis, which can lead to widespread violence. Youth need help to rise up and become effective members of society. If they’re not getting it, they should take action. But how can we help them?
The NRS’ 2020 Crisis Services and Prevention Report shares key findings and discusses the challenges faced by youth experiencing homelessness and at risk of homelessness. These findings can be used to improve prevention strategies. The report also discusses the needs of youth experiencing homelessness and how to support them through various youth programs. Further, this report highlights the changing trends and patterns in connections to NRS during the COVID-19 pandemic. The report was developed by NRS in collaboration with the University of Chicago’s Chapin Hall.
The Children and Youth Behavioral Health Crisis Assessment Team is a multidisciplinary team of social workers, marriage and family therapists, and medical personnel who identify and treat vulnerable adolescents and young people in distress. This team assesses children and youth, which may not need hospitalization. Once identified, the team provides additional assessment and intervention services and may recommend inpatient treatment. This program is also available in contract clinics and other County-operated facilities.
The report also highlights the impact of mental health on young people. Two out of every classroom is affected by some type of mental health condition, affecting their ability to focus or learn. The consequences of mental health problems extend beyond the classroom to our safety, education, and futures. Among the richest nations, the U.S. has the highest suicide rate, and one out of five young women experiences a major depressive episode by the time she reaches adulthood.