Crisis Text Line is the world’s first national, 24/7, text-based crisis support service. The organization focuses on empathy and innovation.
To get help, people can simply text a keyword to 741741 and be connected with a trained volunteer, a Crisis Counselor. The counselors can talk to people about anything from a relationship issue to thoughts of suicide.
Crisis Counselors
Crisis Counselors are volunteers from across the United States who have been trained to support callers in their moment of crisis. They use active listening, collaborative problem solving, and safety planning. They are currently only able to provide support in English, but are actively working to expand their capacity.
Students often have problems in their personal lives that cause them to feel overwhelmed. These issues can include relationship difficulties, family or legal issues, financial concerns and mental health challenges. These problems can interfere with class performance and even lead some students to consider dropping out of school.
CUNY students in crisis can text STEVE to 741741 and speak to a trained Crisis Counselor. The CC will help the student move from their “hot moments” to a more calm place. The CC will also offer resources and suggest ways to get additional help. The CC will never tell a student what to do but will always respect their choices.
The Steve Fund is dedicated to the mental health and emotional well-being of young people of color. The Fund works with colleges, non-profits, researchers and mental health experts to promote programs and strategies that support the needs of young people of color. It also hosts a national conference series, the Young, Gifted & @Risk summit, and a Knowledge Center with curated expert information.
If you’re a young person of color in crisis, text STEVE to 741741 and you’ll be connected with a live Crisis Counselor who can help you move from a hot moment to a cool one. Texting STEVE is free and confidential. You can use it as often as you need. This service is provided by the Steve Fund in partnership with Crisis Text Line.
Badges display avatar-like icons or text to draw attention and communicate information to users. They can be used to highlight important content or to show an indication of how many items are associated with an element.
The badge should be displayed in the most prominent position on the page, and it should be clearly visible on the screen. It should also be large enough to be readable from a few feet away. Badges can be displayed on black or other colors and even photographic backgrounds, as long as they are legible.
If an attendee is required to wear a photo ID, it should be printed on a badge insert that fits in the badge holder. Badge inserts are available in different colors, so companies can color code employees and separate attendees from visitors and volunteers. For example, a company might assign a blue insert to employees who work in sales, and a red insert to employees who work in marketing.
LANSING, Mich. — Getting crisis mental health support is now as easy as texting. As part of its Stay Home, Stay Well initiative during the COVID-19 pandemic, Michigan is partnering with Crisis Text Line to provide people a way to connect with trained counselors by sending the keyword RESTORE to 741741.
The service is free, 24/7 and confidential. People can use it for any issue, whether it’s a suicidal crisis or just feeling overwhelmed. “If it’s a crisis to you, it’s a crisis for us,” says Raja.
Other crisis lines offer phone and chat services, but a growing number have adapted to the new ways that people communicate. The Trevor Project(opens in new tab), for example, offers chat and phone support for LGBTQ youth. The group also operates a text line and an app, and its counselors can connect people with specialized services for different needs. It’s a service that can be especially helpful for teens.