Crisis Text Line

Crisis Text Line

The idea for Crisis Text Line was born from a heart-wrenching text message that DoSomething CEO Nancy Lublin received from a young woman who was being sexually abused and had nowhere to turn. Crisis Text Line is a free, national resource that connects people in crisis to trained Crisis Counselors who are there to help.

What is Crisis Text Line?

Crisis Text Line is a free, confidential, national resource that provides 24/7 support via text message to individuals in emotional distress. The service is powered by a network of trained volunteers known as Crisis Counselors.

Volunteer CCs receive 30 h of training in reflective listening, risk assessment, and collaborative problem solving. These volunteers volunteer remotely and are monitored by full-time, salaried clinical staff who monitor text conversations.

Using the largest database of crisis-related texts in the country, this study analyzed de-identified CC reports and voluntary texter surveys from all Crisis Text Line conversations that mention current or previous suicidality from 2013 to 2017. Across frequency of use, conversation number, and suicidal subsamples, distinct classes of users appeared on the basis of their presenting psychosocial issues.

These classes were largely unrelated to race, ethnicity, and other demographic characteristics. However, these findings do highlight the need to better understand how racial and ethnic disparities in mental health care may be addressed by technology-enhanced crisis services such as Crisis Text Line.

How can I use Crisis Text Line?

Text “HOME” to 741741, the free, 24/7 support line for crisis intervention and emotional support in the United States. It is also available in the UK and Ireland by texting “SHOUT” to 741741.

The service can be used to talk about anything that’s stressing someone out, Raja says. Whether it’s suicidal thoughts, job worries, or a breakup, a counselor is there to listen. “We are not there to judge you or tell you what to do,” she says. “It’s about empowering you to suss out what your options are.”

Counselors try to empathize with their texters, and ask questions that help them identify the issue at hand. They don’t pry or offer advice, but instead prompt the person to identify their options and weigh pros and cons. They’ll also create a safety plan with the person, which might include separating themselves from their means of self-harm or suicide. This part of the conversation is confidential, and emergency services are never contacted.

What can I expect from a conversation with a Crisis Counselor?

When someone texts BRAVE, they’re automatically connected to a Crisis Counselor who is trained to provide support and resources. All conversations are anonymous and confidential, and a volunteer Crisis Counselor will respond to your text with empathetic, compassionate listening. They’ll help you move from a hot moment to a cool moment through collaborative problem-solving, safety planning and supportive listening.

Volunteer Crisis Counselors work remotely, allowing them to volunteer at times that fit their own schedules. This allows volunteers to maintain a work-life balance and have an opportunity to positively impact the mental health of people from all walks of life.

You can text Crisis Text Line about anything that’s weighing on you, whether it be suicidal thoughts, family issues, or even the breakup. It’s free, it’s anonymous, and it’s always available. To start a conversation, text GOT5 to 741741 or Got5U to 741741 if you’re a student. All conversations last between 15 and 45 minutes.

How can I get help from Crisis Text Line?

When you text HOME to 741741 from anywhere in the United States, you will be connected with a trained Crisis Counselor. They will be there for you to listen without judgement, help you get to a cool place, and share resources.

They will also ask you questions to understand how you’re feeling and connect you to local services if needed. They are here to talk about anything you need, whether it’s a mental health crisis, a family crisis, a substance abuse issue, or even if you have thoughts of suicide.

The number may seem intimidating, but it’s important to remember that you don’t have to be in a crisis to text the hotline. It’s a way to get help and support whenever you need it, and it’s free. The conversation is always confidential and you can end the chat at any time. It’s a text-based support system designed for people who don’t want to talk on the phone.